In October 2023, the Manchester Declaration was updated to become the UK Repair and Reuse Declaration.
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A variety of colourful screwhead designs

The Manchester Declaration

The UK community repair movement came together for the first time at Fixfest UK on 6 October 2018, and wrote the following Declaration

To UK policymakers, product manufacturers and designers,

We are repair volunteers and activists representing community groups running Repair Cafés and Restart Parties across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Our community repair events give a second lease of life to all kinds of products that failed prematurely: small kitchen appliances, computers, radios, furniture, lamps, clothes, bikes and much more.

Most importantly, they offer practical, fun and inspiring opportunities for everyone to collaboratively learn new skills, building community connections, well-being and belonging, while preventing unnecessary waste.

By focusing on people and the planet, we hint at the future we want – a future where repair is a thriving sector of our economy; products are easy to repair and manufacturers provide spare parts for as long as possible.

We know that it’s not enough to repair in our communities, yet the success of our activities signals that an alternative to mountains of waste exists, if we make it a priority.

We are part of a growing movement pushing for our Right to Repair worldwide, alongside independent repair businesses and citizens frustrated with the early obsolescence of most of today’s products.

We ask UK legislators and decision-makers at all levels, as well as product manufacturers and designers, to stand with us for our Right to Repair, by making repair more accessible and affordable, and ensuring that we adopt product standards making products better supported, well documented and easier to repair by design.


FIXFEST = declaration co-author

Community repair groups


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